Frankly, anyone who owns a business or represents the business to others must have professional business cards. Business cards are an expectation when networking. They show that the person handing out their business card is professional, well-prepared and wants to talk with you in the near future.
Whether you're in sales and need clients and potential clients to get in touch with you, or you're in a service industry where enabling people to contact you is essential, then quality business cards are a must.
But what's more, quality business cards are a reflection of your company. They'll set the stage when the recipient eventually contacts you. They can make or break the image of your company, so your unique business cards should be designed carefully, with your company's branding image in mind.
Although the standard information on a business card must include your name, title, company name, address, phone numbers, e-mail and Web sites, you have the freedom to make your unique business cards entirely your own creation. Use graphics that help to describe your business. Maybe include your company's tag line.
Create a professional-looking business card thatwith one lookyour contact remembers who you are and why they need your products or services.
Also important in your planning is the business card printing. A proper business card printer will provide you with options to make your business cards unique and professional. Look for high quality paper, images that print at 300 dots per inch (dpi).
Jonathan Bowalsky handles news and information for Jontal Printing. For more information on business cards or custom postcards, visit:
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