I was right with you the first several times I tried to "network" at a meeting or social situation. I either didn't say anything about my business big mistake. Or I felt like a traveling salesman. There is a BETTER way. Let me give you a few simple steps.
First, get a real feel for the organizations you attend. It might be Toastmasters, if you love to talk. It could be your professional organization (no leads there, you're all in the same business). It could be a round table, networking club or business organization.
I've gone as a guest or non-member to several different organizations. Each of these has a different feel in each city. I've gone to Toastmasters Love! I've gone to the Chamber of Commerce Fun but VERY expensive membership, I've gone to leads clubs didn't feel like I fit in and I've gone to Women Business Organizations Love!
Find the organization that fits you AND that has a large enough membership to provide plenty of leads.
These organizations are social and business building. Remember YOU are a walking advertisement for your business. I don't mean to be trite but be sure you are dressed well and are well groomed. You will be meeting other business people. So, don't go in too casually. Research shows that people make a subconscious judgment about you based on your appearance within the first 3-5 seconds of meeting you! Others will decide if you will be trusted, included and even do business with in a matter of seconds. So, even though I think most of you know this, it's important not to skip over this.
ALWAYS have business cards with you. Just be sure your cards are professional looking and not "too out there". YOU want to INCLUDE more clients/customers not exclude them.
Here's a template of your networking conversations:
1. Make a GAME out of attending. Have FUN with this. You'll be much more at ease with practice. EVERYONE is nervous when they first attend these meetings. Your GOAL is to have a minimum of 10 business cards from other people by the end of the event.
2. Greet the other person & ask what business they're in. Yes, you can add the social chit chat of "I'm looking forward to the speaker, or this is a great venue." Remember though that networking is part of the reason you are there.
3. Ask an interesting question like: Who are your favorite clients to work with? What is your biggest challenge in your business? What do you LOVE about your business? Do your employees know that you appreciate them?
4. Make a mental note of what they say and ask for their business card.
5. They will usually ask about your business. However, don't be surprised if they don't. Many people are more interested in what they have to say then in what you have to say. If they ask about you, then you can proceed to the next step. If they don't ask, then simply say: "Would you like my card?" Or "Here, let me give you my card."
6. Now is the time to say your 10 second introduction or "elevator speech". (You can read about creating your speech in the article on 10 Second First Impression).
7. Offer an idea of how you can help solve a problem for them based on the questions you asked originally. Ask them to keep you in mind for the services or products you provide.
8. Unless you have a great connection with this person, you are complete with this conversation. Shake their hand, let them know how much you enjoyed meeting them and keep moving.
9. When you have a moment at the meeting, take each business card & write down 1-2 key words or phrases that remind you of the person & conversation. Write this on the BACK of their business card.
10. Within 24 hours, write a brief postcard or note to EACH person you met. Be sure the card includes your business information. This will reinforce the individual contact. If you happen to have a card with your photo it will help others to remember you.
11. When you write keep it simple. Write something like: I enjoyed meeting you at XYZ meeting. I enjoyed hearing what you love about your business. I'll keep you in mind as a referral when I discover others who need your services. Please also keep me in mind when you need ______. Wishing you prosperity! Iris Fanning
12. NOW you have an additional 10 names to add to your marketing campaign. Keep ALL these cards on file. You have their name, address, phone and usually email. You also have their tacit permission to contact them.
13. Remember, you need to continue to market and invite these professionals to try your services.
Free Newsletter with up to the minute coaching on business, marketing, networking, self empowerment and successful living. http://www.irisfanning.com
Dr. Iris Fanning is a Nationally recognized Success Coach. Dr. Fanning is a graduate of Coach University, holds an Honorary Doctorate in Divinity, M.A. in Psychology, Counseling & Guidance and a B.S. in Psychology. Additionally Iris is the self published author of "Change Your Life Right Now" c2006 and "Do What You Love & Get Rich" c 2006. Dr. Fanning is also an in demand public speaker. Individual and group coaching is also available. Contact: coachiris@hotmail.com Please place Coaching in the subject line.
Copyright 2006, Dr. Iris Fanning. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all of the EzineArticles Terms of Service for Publishers.