Thursday, May 15, 2008

Network Marketing Secret On Becoming The Goto Guy

Writen by Andrea Goodsaid

For years we've been taught to identify ourselves as reps for one XYZ company or another.

~We have our fancy business cards printed, some letterhead,
maybe an address stamp.

~We use the company logo and replicated websites as points
of first impression.

~We market ourselves as being associated with that company
with abandon … heck, we even have the T-shirts to prove it!

Sounds okay on the surface, right?

Not right.

Think Like the CEO That You Are

Dedicating your personal image might be okay (or even required!) when you're on salary with some company. After all, when you trade your time for money, they do get to call the shots when you're on the clock, don't they.

Sometimes a job can even have a say in how you're dressing or acting in your off hours … not uncommon.

But what I don't get is why people, who join Network Marketing companies as independent distributors, feel the need to associate their very being a an XYZ distributor.

Why the rush to be labeled as a part of that company?! Are we not CEO and chief bottle washer of our own businesses?

If you think about it, it's really only to the company's benefit for you to parade around in company promotional garb and pay for your 'official' business documents to be printed.

Learn To Brand Yourself

~Become the 'GoTo' guy for your chosen product or service type.

~Promote an image of expertise in a field rather than just
another distributor among many.

~Don't marry yourself to any one company … leave your options

~Make every marketing effort that you put forth something that
you can benefit from for a lifetime.

By branding yourself, you build that needed 'know, like and trust' that makes sales easiest and you become associated in the minds of the people you are working with as THE person to 'go to' when they're wanting what you've got.

About the Author

Andrea Goodsaid was first attracted to the NWM industry in 1996. Since 1997, she has been unravelling the mysteries of marketing & relationship building online. Visit her blog and see what's new:

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