If you do a lot of networking then you know that if food is served it is a good time to throw out a few one liners, make eye contact with other guests and get some grub. However let me tell you a little secret about this. Sure get in the food line, but get in the back of the line not in the front with all the “free food free loaders” and carefully select only a few items even if you are hungry.
The best thing to do is to eat prior and not be such a pig a networking events sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce or other such civic group get togethers sponsored by service clubs, charities, political action committees or non-profits. I call this my: “Networking; The Dine and Dash Technique.”
First the people at the back of the line are your more influential people, they have been doing this party thing all their life and they are not interested in being first in line like a bunch of first graders. Indeed they also eat well, as they are successful and have seen a million shrimp plates and fancy food platters in their life.
Additionally, you can do a lot better when breaking the ice when you do not have food in your mouth and it is nearly impossible to hand someone a business card if they ask for one, while holding a drink and a napkin under it and a small paper plate of the latest and greatest treats of the hour.
Lance Winslow
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