Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Networking Redefined The Networking Factor

Writen by Janice Smallwood-McKenzie

Networking redefined is a basic concept. When you think of networking, you usually start to think of methods of letting others know what it is that you are doing or perhaps, you start to think about letting others know about your business. Often, we want to connect with individuals and companies to strictly identify what advantages are available as a result of the connection. Some work very hard at networking when it comes to winning others to their way of thinking. Is there anything wrong about this kind of networking? Absolutely not! There is nothing wrong about working toward making others think about you first when it comes to doing business or including you which allows you to expand your business by default! Which reminds me of "The Networking Factor…Everyone is Important," and taking it a step further… "Inclusion is not a given, inclusion is a gift!"

"STOP" waiting on others to include you. "START" including others!

Don't look at networking as getting others interested in you, and/or what you and your company have to offer… get interested in what others have to offer. This should be done on a business and personal level!

If you think that this kind of thinking doesn't work… I'd suggest that you take a closer look at the way(s) of doing business with corporate America. They spend millions of dollars to make sure that you are thinking of them first when it comes to doing business. Corporate America just like the U.S. Army wants YOU! Yes, corporate America wants your thoughts, they want you to believe the hype, they want you to spend money with them, and they want you to take an interest in what they are offering you via the radio, television, internet, billboards, print media, word of mouth or simply planting jingles in you head.

Take a hint from corporate America, find out what others want and give it to them, and they will keep coming back, and before you know it they will look for your brand.

"Real Power 'Empowers'"… the end!

Ms. Smallwood-McKenzie is a Networking Coach (assisting professionals and small businesses in expanding their political, business and social bases) in Los Angeles and the Author of "The 101 Commandments of Networking: Common Sense But Not Common Practice," enjoy a Free Preview compliments of 101NetworkingCommandments.com or visit Amazon.com to read Customer Reviews of this guide. Her email address is Janice@101NetworkingCommandments.com.

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