If you own an auto detailing shop, perhaps you have considered that most of your business comes from word-of-mouth advertising and referrals. These are generally the best type of customers to have and if you'd like more customers like that perhaps you should consider networking in your local community so that you can have more referrals.
Net working for an auto detailing shop is not difficult and you must consider all the other types of auto service businesses in your area. For instance consider the towing companies, rental car agencies, car dealerships, transportation companies and limousine companies. All of these folks have a multitude of contacts and they know people who need your services and they need your services to.
Additionally you might consider joining the Chamber of Commerce and getting involved in local committees. Why not also showing a local service club that meets during lunchtime? Most of the folks in these groups are business owners and generally business owners are some of the best customers for auto detail shops.
Plus, joining a committee at the Chamber of Commerce or a local service club gives you the opportunity to give back to local community, which has supported your business so well. Consider if you will helping your community and getting business at the same time. Now that is a win-win situation. Consider this in 2006.
Lance Winslow
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