10 seconds. That's all the time you have to make a positive impression with people you meet for the first time. Since networkers spend so much time trying to meet new contacts, it is essential that they analyze their "meeting" approach for effectiveness.
Keep in mind the following suggestions when you meet someone.
Monitor Your Appearance
Researchers at Columbia University found that 93% of how your are judged is based on your appearance and body language. Dress for the situation. Use body language that expresses who you are and how you want to be known. Carry yourself with confidence. Since people put such a high value on how you present yourself, it is essential that you get this aspect right.
Move the Spotlight
No one enjoys people who are self-centered. Go overboard to show that you're sincerely glad to have met your new contact. In her book, How to Talk to Anyone, Leil Lowndes recommends using what she calls the "Big Baby Pivot." When you first meet someone, pivot your whole body to face them, give them your warm smile and undivided attention. Act as if they are the most important person in the world to you at that moment. They are.
Use Their Name - Often
As Dale Carnegie told us, a person's name is the sweetest word in the world to them. Using it often when you meet someone helps reinforce it in your mind, and makes the other person feel important.
Connect with Similarities
People like people similar to themselves. When you meet someone, try to find the common ground between you. Adapt your voice rate, pitch, and gestures to match theirs. Look for experiences you may have shared, and emphasize those.
Be a Good Listener
Get the other person talking about himself. Ask intelligent questions about her experiences. Often, people who are good listeners are perceived as excellent conversationalists by others - even though they don't talk the majority of the time!
Watch Your Words Carefully
Every word you say will be used to judge your intelligence, education, and even your worth. Be careful about using humor. Use the vital first couple sentences to connect with the other person and build a rapport.
If you want to build relationships with new people, it's essential that you know how to leave a powerful first impression. Practice using these tips on the next person you meet, and enjoy the results!
PalPad helps you remember people you meet while networking: http://www.mypalpad.com.
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