Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Is A Mastermind Group

Writen by Keith MacLean

A mastermind group is a collection of people from the same or different educational, financial, and cultural backgrounds who meet periodically to discuss issues that they face in the world. These issues can be anything the group would like to discuss. Many mastermind groups have been founded for specific reasons that the members have agreed are issues that interest them and need to be addressed. Mastermind groups have been started in many different fields including business, retail, real estate, education, and others. A group is usually eight to ten people who meet regularly at a specified meeting place.

The mastermind group was founded on the theory that two or more minds working toward a solution to an issue is better than one mind working alone. The group members feel that as individuals their judgment is not always accurate when trying to work through an issue at work or in business because they are bringing in too many other issues into the mix. A mastermind group can help a person stay focused on one issue. Everyone will work to solving the issue or at least offer advice on what to do next.

It is up to the group to decide how often they want to meet and where. They will also decide who will bring an issue to the table and who will start the discussion. It is a good idea to designate a moderator each time the group meets so that the group stays focused. As in any group setting, individuals will find a few people that they are closer to than others. This may pose a problem for some. Being able to trust everyone in the group is important and should be established early on so that people do not branch off into smaller groups within the group and begin to take sides when tough issues come up.

This is the unfortunate outcome of many groups. But by discussing these pitfalls early on, hopefully they will not become problems for the group later on. A mastermind group can be a powerful force in a person's life. Having others to talk candidly with about important matters is a great relief to many people.

Keith MacLean, check out the MasterMind group that is literally going to change the world.

1 comment:

Critical Mass for Business said...

Mastermind groups are a great place to meet like minded professionals.

I have just published my book CRITICAL MASS: The 10 Explosive Powers of CEO PEER GROUPS and in it I highlight real world case studies of how transformative CEO PEER GROUPS can be for the members.

CRITICAL MASS will be available in early Sept on Amazon or check out my blog.