Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Building Instant Integrity In Your Business Relationships

Writen by Dr. Leif Smith

How strong are your business relationships? In today's fast-paced society, the frenetic pace of work and life ensure that we won't get very many chances to make that good first impression. The following guidelines will allow you to maximize the trust that others' place in you and make a good impression each and every time.

1. Be Responsive

* Return all calls within 24 hrs (minimum)
The simple act of getting back to people that contact you via phone is a lost art. Most business people overlook how important it is to return all calls quickly. It displays respect for the message and for the person calling you, essentially sending the message, "Your call is as important as every other call I get, and I give it my prompt attention."

* All emails within 24 hours
It is just as easy to return an email within 24 hours as it is a call. There really is no excuse (or no good excuse) for not getting back to people while they still remember that they contacted you!

* Listen twice as much as you talk
Contrary to popular opinion, listening is just as important as your ability to communicate ideas in the business world. Most people emphasize the latter rather than the former, and as a result fail to build trust in their business relationships.

Leif's quickie guide to better listening:

A. Frame messages quickly. Reflect back to the person to whom you are listening a condensed version of what you have discerned.

B. Attend to non-verbals: Match nods, body position, gestures. This increases their comfort level with you.

C. Attend more to how the person is articulating much more than what they are articulating.

II. Offer Value at Every Turn

* Pragmatic value is key
The value you offer, whether it be a service, a product, or a relationship, has to have utility for the person you are trying to build a relationship with.

* Always follow up
Always. If you spent a half hour discussing something and don't follow up, those thirty minutes were wasted. Follow up with a thank you, a note, an article of interest, whatever. But follow up.

* Be honest
Honesty is a lost art in relationships. Everybody pays lip service to the idea that they value it, but few people actually seek out honest, unabashed feedback. If you can provide it, you will instantly build integrity in your business relationships, because very few people do so.

III. Be An Object of Interest

* Use the language well
Learn how to speak well. Learn new words and increase your vocabulary on a weekly basis. Doing so tells other people that you are an educated individual, and value how you come across in interpersonal settings.

* Dress well
When in doubt, overdress. Dressing well is simple to do, no matter how much you earn. Buy quality clothes, nice shoes, etc. Looking nice sends a message that you care about your physical appearance.

* Be contrary
Don't be afraid to be contrary, even if it means throwing others off their high-horse every now and then. Being contrary and the ability to have an opposing viewpoint sends a message that you have your own thoughts on the matter and care enough about them to not compromise.

Copyright (2006) Leif H. Smith, Psy.D. All Rights Reserved.

Leif H. Smith, Psy.D, specializes in improving individual and organizational performance. To get more information about his coaching or consulting services, or to sign up for his complimentary monthly productivity newsletter, visit

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