In any type of business situation it can sometimes be difficult to relate and communicate with others. Most of the time we encounter people that we have never met before. Often we have to instinctively determine their needs and desires before a conversation even begins. However, by learning the art of turning strangers into friends, we can quickly make our clients at ease. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs have that ability. In fact, that is one of the most important aspects of any successful business.
We all know that some people were born outgoing and personable. Others are more reserved and contemplative. The uniqueness of both types of personalities can have their strengths in communication. Everyone can sharpen their people skills by knowing a few key tools. It may come easier to some than others but with time and consistent practice everyone can improve to some degree. The goal is to understand how to relate to others by appreciating their uniqueness, while appreciating your own.
Below are some simple principles and ideas that will help you achieve your goals.
1. A valuable concept that is extremely profound that could literally change the way you look at others is this. Look at everyone as equals. Not in terms of superior or inferior. No matter how successful, affluent, intelligent or lofty social status, we are basically equals. Maybe the other person has achieved a degree of success in areas that you have not. However, you undoubtedly have areas that you have achieved success in as well. They may not be as noticeable, but they are just as important.
2. Focus on the similarities rather than the differences. Find something that you and the other individual have in common. No matter how many people we meet, eventually we will learn something about the other person that we have in common. Create a bond with what your commonalities are.
3. Enjoy the differences. One of the beauties of life is diversity. If everyone looked the same, acted the same, had the same talents, thoughts, ideas and abilities, life would be boring. It is like an intricate patchwork quilt. The variety of patterns and colors create beauty and interest. It takes a lifetime to become who we are. No two people experience the exact same exact events, trials, encounters, or exposures in life. That is why we are all unique individuals. Everyone has something they can teach us, if we are open to them.
4. Ask questions. Be genuinely interested in learning about the other person. Others know when we are not sincere. When we are just acting nice to get a quick sell, they know it. On the other hand, when we truly care about others they can feel it. They will trust you and have more faith in what you are relating to them.
5. Listen more than you talk. Even when giving a sales presentation. Ask questions. You will learn much more by listening than by constant chattering in a presentation without any input from the other individual. How can you know their needs, if you haven't listened. You may offer them a service or product that is totally out of their reach financially, or something that does not fit with what they are looking for or need.
6. Be honest. If there is a downside that they need to consider, be direct. It is better that you are up front and tell the truth, than they find out later that you had lied to them. Obviously, if you believe in your service or product your positives will dramatically outweigh the negatives. You want more than just a quick sell, you want lasting relationships to build your business on. If you do not know an answer to something, say that you do not know but that you will get back to them with the answer.
7. Show the other person respect by not talking down to them. Remember that you know your service or product backwards and forwards. They do not. That is why they are coming to you. Be patient and helpful, even when it may be hard. You were there once too.
The world is full of unique and interesting people. The more that we work on ourselves and our attitudes of others, the more that we will see the beauty in others. I guarantee if you apply these principles, you will be surprised at how many of your business associates will become life long friends.
La Donna Jensen is an expert in marketing and sales for over 15 years. Marketing consultant for a radio show and magazine. Successful owner of own business and Internet entrepreneur. For more free articles on marketing and advertising visit: |
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