Monday, September 22, 2008

Business Networking Tip Number 239 Wear A Name Tag

Writen by Tino Buntic

A few years ago I attended a business networking function through my local chapter of BNI (Business Networking International). Upon entering the room there was a desk with tags that you can write your name on and wear. It wasn't mandatory and not everybody did it. But I did. I wrote my name, Tino Buntic, and my occupation, Home & Auto Insurance Broker. I wanted everybody I would meet to know who I was and what I did.

This name tag worked unexpected wonders. As I walked around and mingled I had people approach me. They would call me by name and say things like "Tino, you're an insurance broker? What a coincidence; my auto insurance policy is coming up for renewal and I was about to search for quotes. I want a better rate than what I'm paying now." I must have done at least ten quotes just for people that approached me that night. Not only that, I also was approached by a used car salesman that wanted to network with me because he needed a reliable insurance broker to refer his clients to. I ended up doing business with this gentleman for the following two years after that, until he moved to another state. During those two years he had referred dozens and dozens of clients to me. That one contact provided me with many closed sales that I otherwise would not have had.

I've attended a few business networking functions prior to this night but none were as successful. The reason being is that I had never bothered to wear a name tag. I had to approach people myself to start conversations and hand out business cards. It is easier to have people approach you than it is for you to approach others.

Wearing a name tag at business networking events works; it will allow you to gain more contacts and referrals. You should always wear one. Bring your own in case they do not provide them at the event. Not only that, you should also wear name tags at trade shows for the exact same reasons.

Tino Buntic created, a different type of business networking website. It is a directory of business professionals, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and salespeople. It provides free B2B and B2C sales leads without cold calling.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post... Thanks for the review on Business Networking...