Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who Cares

Writen by Bette Daoust, Ph.D.

Here it is, another social event in the form of a party to celebrate the time of year or a special event in someone's life. There are a dozen or more people in the room, many of whom you already know and some you know and some you do not. The introductions are abundant when the circles of people start talking and laughing.

"Have you met ... yet?"

"No, I haven't."

"Well this is .... and he is married to ... and works at ...!"

"Wow, it is great to meet you! Did you know that my company does work in your industry? Maybe we can chat later."

And so it goes as you meet new people. The talk, even though social, always turns to business and what is happening in the local economy. So how can you network and find nuggets of business at these events?

First Listen intently to people when they talk about their business to pick up potential talking points when you are in a conversation with them later on.

Second When in a one on one conversation, ask questions and ALWAYS wait for the answer before moving on to the next conversation. Many people will ask questions then there is an interruption and the conversation ends without waiting for the answer. Do not let interruptions end the conversation prematurely as your likelihood of getting any business afterwards are drastically diminished. People do not forget no matter what you think.

Last Never steer the conversation about what you do as most people are only interested in what they do and the well being of their family. Be aware of everyone else and leave yourself out of the conversation. If asked a question, turn the question so the asker actually answers for their own situation.

No matter what you decide to do in social situations, if you simply listen you will learn a lot about the people you may eventually do business with in the future. The more you know about them, the more likely you will be able to form a great business relationship.

Bette Daoust, Ph.D. is a speaker, author (over 170 books, articles, and publications), and consultant. She has provided marketing, sales, business development and training expertise for companies such as Peet's Coffee & Tea, Varian Medical Systems, Accenture, Avaya, Cisco Systems to name a few. Dr. Daoust has also done extensive work with small businesses in developing their marketing, training, and operational plans. You may contact Dr. Daoust at You may also view her latest publications at Dr. Daoust also writes for the National Networker

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