What if everyone understood the value of networking? What if all small businesses could network in their communities? What if small business people were careful to get involved, join clubs and become active members in their chamber of commerce? What if all small businesses understood that often it is easier to network than to throw money at a problem? What if small business people realized that sponsoring a Little League Team in their towns made good sense for their businesses and expanded their customer base? What if small business failure rates were much lower that 5:1 and that most Small Business Loans were paid off and not in default? What if we took all the small business people and helped them understand the value of networking? What if no one had to lose their nest egg simply for chasing their American Dream of owning their own small business? What if folks who signed up at the local Chamber of Commerce went to more than the average of only two-meetings in two years? What if everyone in business became actively involved in all aspects of their community and used this involvement to recruit great employees and spent a little of their hard earned monies giving back and supporting the community that supported them? What if you did this in your small business, how much difference would it make to your success? Think on this.
Lance Winslow
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