MLM Multi-Layered Marketing Network Marketing, Pyramid Marketing - call it what you will.
A great many people think of it as a scam, a less than ethical way to sell a product. In fact, in many cases there is hardly a product at all involved and you are simply selling opportunities for people to take money off other people (this is when it borders on being illegal). Whatever you think of MLM though (Pro - if you have made any money from them definitely Con - if you feel that you have been 'scammed' by one neutral - I guess, if you don't know what I'm talking about!) they are here to stay and I for one am glad of it.
I am a fan a BIG fan of Networking and whatever your past experiences (good or bad) you should be too if you are involved in any type of Internet business
It does not matter if your business has nothing to do with MLM you don't like the concept, you may think too many people end up as 'victims' and only the people at the top make any real money.
It doesn't matter if you think you have been 'scammed' yourself or you know someone who feels they have.
It doesn't matter if you are sick of seeing so many MLM schemes every time you surf the Internet (each promising more and more easy riches).
It doesn't matter if you (like me) hate all the HYPE and the Webpage Headers showing mansions and sports cars and $100.00 bills and all the outrageous promises of untold wealth without effort?
And it doesn't matter if you have tried many times in different MLM programs and have yet to make your fortune (keep at it you may one day!) But whatever, as you spend your money trying you are helping ALL of us!...All of us who are involved in the GIANT Club of Internet business.
If you have an Online business - ANY online business you are simply a part of this HUGE 'Club' ! And as members of this massive 'club' we should all be helping each other, to all our benefits. Whatever your opinion of MLM, Networking schemes and Pyramid programs is, keep it to yourself for your own benefit! In fact, regardless of what you think you should be embracing and extolling the virtues of MLM.
I have often seen ill-informed advertising bemoaning the fact that many MLM schemes leave too many 'victims' behind (poor suckers who believed in the hype and bought into high cost MLM programs, got out of their depth and just gave up!) But should we feel sorry for these so-called victims? No way....!
Ok - we may feel a little sympathy because they initially lost some money But (unless they are Total losers who simply give in at the first problem they encounter) they are NOT 'victims' they have, in the long-term, gained! Gained from experience and acquired knowledge (which ALWAYS costs money) and they will know what to expect the next time and act and plan accordingly (and in future ignore the Hype). And while they are learning and paying for knowledge, they are putting more money into the 'Internet Club.' Which benefits EVERYBODY
If you sell Knitting patterns, or Granny's recipes, or Bonsai tree fertilizer, or information how to stop your dog from chewing your slippers you should still praise MLM Why?
Because, unless you are only selling to your friends and family, you will be advertising and promoting your business and, whether you use hype or not, you will surely be seeing and learning from the professional MLM marketing people.
By far the BIGGEST advantage of MLM though, for all of us, is of course it recruits more and more people into our 'Internet Club' people who buy in and pay monthly membership fees which of course go to other people who then have more money than they used to have, and who then have some spending power, and who then can afford to buy YOUR products!
When you break it down to its simplest form MLM is just a way of wealth sharing. The product whatever it is - is totally secondary to money creation. And then this money is spread about to other businesses. And as long as the MLM people keep thinking up new schemes and programs and systems, and keep thinking up new advertising techniques (even if they use hype), and they keep on recruiting new people to our 'Internet Club' who bring more money into it We can ALL look forward to a prosperous future in our Online businesses whatever we sell.
So avoid being self-centred and using any negative aspects of MLM you can conjure up to promote your own product - because really you are only doing yourself a disservice in the long-term anyway . Actually, if you do want to be selfish to get your sales, you should be encouraging more people to join MLM programs not warning against them. If you want to target the 'victims' of MLM to try your 'superior' services, then surely the more 'victims' there are the better it is for you anyway?
As we have seen though, there really aren't any 'victims' in MLM (unless they are self-made 'victims') yes, some people inevitably will loose money and some will give up disillusioned, but joining MLM programs and falling for all the hype and excitement is just part of the learning curve of Online business and IF you are prepared to learn - your failure in MLM should be analysed and you should learn from it you are much more likely to end up successful in the future. In fact, I BET a great many people who did 'fail' initially in an MLM program went on to become very successful Internet entrepreneurs. Heck, I am one of them!
So let's hear it for Networking! And to all the vocal knockers and critics of MLM systems I say - concentrate on your own products (if they're so good?) rather than disservice EVERYONE else with 'holier than thou' criticisms of other's businesses.
Geoff Barraclough Author of 'A Hype-less Guide To Online Marketing' and devotee of 'GentleFire' Marketing. |
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