If you are into networking to help your business grow then you are already a smart marketer and a smart cookie. Often in the past when I was fully engaged in local politics, growing my business and the local chamber of commerce, service clubs and charities; I went to events and used my networking skills to advance my company and propel our efforts forward.
One thing that I found very interesting was that when a beautiful woman came in looking her best and showing cleavage that immediately the party would move over that way and the largest groups would be centered around her like a magnet. Sometimes I would take a date to such events and they would all come over like a herd of cows feeding at the trough.
After observing and people watching for years and seeing this happen time and time again, I learned something and that is those people who are really there to network and mean business, generally do not rush over. The men are thinking obviously with a lower part of their anatomy and the women seem to follow the good looking guys to some degree.
This left all the serious people and weeded out the party goers and free food crowd so we could get down to why we are all there. I cannot tell you how great it was and how happy I was to see a gal walk in sporting a scantily clad dress and lots of beautiful cleavage, as she immediately eliminated my competition for the real movers and shakers. So that is a small tip for you on networking and well, vote for Lance.
Lance Winslow
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